In the wake of rising incidents of chronic back pain and repetitive strain injuries, not to mention debilitating levels of stress and anxiety, wellness in the workplace has been gaining momentum for years. Corporates have come to understand that caring for their employees isn’t just about swapping soft drinks for water in meetings. Instead, it has to be a comprehensive approach that prioritises people’s health, happiness and productivity. The eventing space is no different – and it’s likely that your delegates will increasingly expect a focus on health to be part of your offering. The following approaches are designed to make wellness at your events simple and easy, benefitting both those who attend and your business.
Healthy bodies, healthy minds
This one’s an easy one. Afternoon snacks made up of sausage rolls and cupcakes, and lunches comprising greasy buffets, are sure to make your delegates feel mentally sluggish and physically lethargic. These high-fat, high-sugar and overly processed meals also fail to respect their various eating habits and potential preferences. By incorporating health conscious and versatile menus, you’re likely not only to endear them to you, but help boost your delegates’ overall productivity too.
Blood flow matters
Exercise lowers stress and raises energy levels, which is exactly the kind of atmosphere you want to infuse at your event. While it might not be financially or practically viable to equip your short-term event with an entire gym, there are ways of offering brief experiences to your delegates so that they can boost their endorphins.
More mindfulness
Mindfulness has become a critical component of many wellness initiatives, and with good reason. A few moments of guided mindfulness practice can help delegates overcome feelings of exhaustion and preoccupation, and ensure they feel present, alert and stimulated instead. Those who already have a mindfulness practice in place will appreciate the offering, and those who don’t, will have the opportunity to learn. All will reap the benefits.
Schedule shifts
It can be tempting to offer a huge variety of activities, talks and breakaway sessions to your guests – indeed, the eventing industry has been premised on this exact approach for decades. But while variety is a big eventing plus, failing to recognise your delegates’ need for regular breaks and refreshment is not. Allow your eventing team to guide you on how to best structure your agenda and schedules to get optimal involvement without overworking your audience.
Prioritise social engagements
The approach to wellness has to be holistic, which means caring for your attendees’ emotional and social well-being, as much as their physical health. Opportunities for them to meet one another in a relaxed and friendly environment, perhaps away from the formal cocktail parties that can put some people on edge, can have multiple benefits.
It’s also important that you demonstrate a commitment not only to your delegates’ wellness, but to the environment and the communities surrounding your event, too. Your eventing team should be able to put innovative recycling initiatives in place and help you promote the efforts of local NGOs operating in your sector. For more information on these and other wellness-related ideas, chat to the Worx Group team. We’re here to ensure that you’re recognised for the work you do, as well as for the attention you pay to the health of everyone with whom you work.
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